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Civil Litigation Reform Scotland

Groundbreaking Change To Law Will Make Legal Advice Available To All

As a result of the Civil Litigation (Expenses and Group Proceedings) (Scotland) Bill, which will shortly be coming into force, access to justice is extended to those who have a grievance and are unable to pay their legal expenses.

John Carruthers, Solicitor Advocate with Oracle Law, commented:

“The introduction of Success Fee Agreements is a seismic change in the law and will allow everyone in society to seek legal advice regardless of their financial situation.”

Success fee agreements will enable a client to share part of an award of damages with their legal representative if successful.

From the enforcement of this bill, providers of legal services will be able to take on work on free of charge on a success fee agreement basis.

The new Act also protects claimants in personal injury cases from having an award of expenses made against them if they are unsuccessful. The reason for this radical change in the law is to encourage citizens to enforce their rights through the courts.

ENDS                                                                                                               11 June 2018

Media Information:

John Carruthers

Oracle Law

[email protected]

1A Helena House

Clarkston Toll,

Busby Road,


G76 7RB

0141 404 1091

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